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Francisco Barcelo-Arroyo

Associate Professor

Departamento de Ingeniería Telematica

Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC)

c/ Jordi Girona 1-3, Barcelona 08034, Spain

Tel. +34 93 4016010

Francisco Barceló-Arroyo es Doctor Ingeniero de Telecomunicación por la Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Actualmente es profesor titular del Departamento de Ingeniería Telemática de la UPC en la E.T.S. de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación de Barcelona. Trabaja también como consultor para  empresas del sector de las telecomunicaciones en España. Participa en diversos proyectos de investigación financiados entre otros por el Gobierno Español (Plan Nacional de I+D) y la Comisión Europea (IST 6th Framework Programme y la European Science Foundation)También actúa como revisor y miembro de comités de programa en revistas y congresos internacionales y como evaluador de proyectos para el Gobierno de España, Generalitat de Catalunya y Comisión Europea.

Sus intereses de investigación se centran en las áreas de servicios de localización y de evaluación y planificación de la capacidad y prestaciones en redes celulares, siendo autor de más de 100 publicaciones técnicas en este campo.


Francisco Barceló-Arroyo earned a Degree in Telecommunications Engineering and a Ph.D. from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC)

He is an associate professor at the Department of Telematic Engineering at UPC at the Faculty of Telecommunication Engineering of Barcelona. He serves as a consultant to telecommunications industry and operators in Spain. He is currently involved with several research projects supported by the Spanish government (Plan Nacional de I+D) and the European Commission (IST 6th Framework Program and European Science Foundation).  He also serves as a reviewer and TPC member for several journals and conferences and as project evaluator for the Spanish Government and the European Commission.

His current research interests lie in the study of location services and the evaluation and planning of the capacity and performance of wireless networks. He is author and co-author of over 100 publications in the field. He has also served as a reviewer in international journals and conferences. 








         Research Projects

            European Commission: IST 6th  and 5th Framework Program

            LIAISON: LocatIon bAsed services for the enhancement of wOrking enviroNment (2004 – 2009). FP6-2003-IST-2-511766

            Task:   Coordinator of Work Package 4 on “Advanced LBS research activities”

Research on WiFi location through TOA

EMILY: European Mobile Integrated Location System (2001 - 2004). IST-2000-26040.

            Task:   Research on hybridization of terrestrial (E-OTD) and satellite (A-GPS) location Technologies for cellular networks.

INTERNODE: Interworking of Nomadic Multi-Domain Services (2000 - 2002). IST-1999-20117.

            Task:   Performance evaluation of secure VPN over GPRS

            European (Other)

ICT Action IC0906: WiNeMO - Wireless Networking for Moving Objects (2009 – 2012). Funded by the European Science Foundation (ONGOING)

             Task:   Member of the Management Committee.

COST 290. Traffic and QoS Management in Wireless Multimedia Networks (2004 – 2008). Funded by the European Science Foundation

            Task:   Chairman of Working Group 2 “Mobility and Interoperability”

Member of the Management Committee.

ERCIM Working Group eMobility  (ONGOING)

            Task:    Representative of SpaRCIM


            Plan Nacional de I+D (Spanish Government)

Encaminamiento para redes ad-hoc basado en localización de terminales. Aplicaciones y sinergias con localización pasiva (2010 – 2012). TEC2009-08198.

Routing for ad-hoc networks based on location of nodes. Applications and sytnergies with passive location. (ONGOING)


During the last decade a number of routing algorithms for ad-hoc networks have been proposed. However, it has been proofed that in order to achieve scalability a routing algorithm must consider the location of the nodes involved in the routing. The goal of this project is the study of such algorithms including location and the research on possible synergies between the routing and location procedures and protocols in order to minimize the use of resources (energy consumption, throughput, etc.) Advances in this direction contribute to improve the network lifetime, capacity and scalability. This project studies the location methods more appropriate for ad-hoc networks with particular interest on Passive-TDOA. Possible improvements will be studied in order to facilitate the location of nodes with the minimum possible information. New routing algorithms will be proposed in such a way that the overall transmitted overhead information is minimized.


Localización de terminales en redes celulares y sus aplicaciones a la optimización de la operación de la red (2007 – 2010). TEC2006-09466/TCM.

Location of terminals in wireless cellular networks and applications to improve network performance.


Cellular networks allow the use of trilateration methods from base stations or access points in a similar way to GNSS; on the other hand, the knowledge of the terminals’ position allows applications in the network plane that improve performance. This project is aimed to applications that use the terminals’ location, speed and direction knowledge to improve the costs of the network operation and management. The study investigates the reservation of capacity in cells where terminals are expected to be in the near future and continue their connection, routing in ad-hoc networks, geocasting, network reliability, and interconnection of heterogeneous networks (UMTS-WLAN). All the above-mentioned applications can be improved if a total or partial knowledge of the terminals’ location is available.


RUBI: Red Ubicua Basada en IP: Análisis y desarrollo de un prototipo para optimización de recursos con localización de terminales (2003 – 2007). TIC-2003-01748.


Calidad de servicio en redes móviles con conexión a Internet (2000 - 2003). TIC-2000-1041-C3-01. 


Diseño de una red de banda ancha para el soporte de servicios móviles (1997 - 1999). TIC 97 – 0942.


Profit tractor (Spanish Government)


Sistemas de localización y trazabilidad aplicados en campos de la industria y servicios (2007 – 2008). FIT-330101-2007-7.

El objetivo del presente proyecto de colaboración es el estudio, desarrollo e implementación de un conjunto de sistemas de localización, basados en comunicaciones RF, con el fin de dar una solución abierta al control de posicionamiento de objetos y/o personas en espacios cerrados en los que los sistemas habituales de localización (léase GPS) no son de aplicación.


Generalitat de Catalunya (AGAUR)


VALOR 2010: 00065 Sistema de localització de terminals inalámbrics WLAN a l' interior d'edificis (2011-2012) (ONGOING)

El present projecte es basa en la realització d'un sistema de localització que permeti conèixer la posició d'entitats mòbils en interiors d'edificis. Aquest sistema constarà d'un conjunt de tres nodes amb capacitats de posicionament (prototips a desenvolupar), així com les aplicacions necesàries per l'ús del sistema. Alguns camps d’aplicació són per exemple la indústria i logística (control dels processos de producció, etc), serveis sanitaris (localització de metges, infermers, pacients), emergències (supervisió remota del personal implicat), turisme-publicitat (aeroports, estacions de tren), serveis penitenciaris, control d'infants o persones discapacitades, detecció d'intrusions, etc. En entorns d'exteriors el sistema GPS proporciona la posició amb unes prestacions suficients per a la majoria d'aplicacions, però no està disponible en la majoria d'entorns indoor. El projecte proposa l'ús de xarxes WLAN instal·lades en l'edifici per a implementar el sistema de localització.


            Telefónica Móviles España S.A.

PPT UMTS: Servicios UMTS y técnicas avanzadas de localización (2003-2004)


         Selected Publications


M. Ciurana, F. Barceló-Arroyo, I. Martín-Escalona, “Comparative performance evaluation of IEEE 802.11v for positioning with time of arrival”, Computer Standards & Interfaces, 33 (3), Elsevier, p.344, Mar 2011.

M. Ciurana, F. Barcelo-Arroyo, Sebastiano Cugno, “A robust to multi-path ranging technique over IEEE 802.11networks”, Wireless Networks, 16, pp. 943-953, Springer, 2010.

F. Barcelo-Arroyo, I. Martin-Escalona, C. Manente, “A field study on the fusion of terrestrial and satellite location methods in urban cellular networks”, European Transactions on Telecommunications, Volume 21, Issue 7, pages 632–639 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2010.

F. Barcelo-Arroyo, I. Martin-Escalona, “A survey on Classical Teletraffic Models and Network Planning Issues for Cellular Telephony”, International Journal of Business data Communications and Networking, Vol 5, Issue 4, pp. 1-15, Idea Group Publishing, December 2009.

M. Ciurana, F. Barcelo-Arroyo, S. Cugno, “Tracking mobile targets indoors using wlan and time of arrival”, Computer Communications,  Volume 32 ,  Issue 13-14, pp. 1552-1558, Elsevier, Agosto 2009.

N. Vassileva, F. Barcelo-Arroyo, “A survey of routing protocols for maximizing the lifetime of ad hoc wireless networks,” International Journal on Software Engineering and Its Applications, vol.2, no.3, pp. 77-90, July 2008.

I Martín-Escalona, F. Barceló-Arroyo, “A new time-based algorithm for positioning mobile terminals in wireless networks”, EURASIP Journal of advances in signal processing, Volume 8,  Issue 2, January 2008.

I. Martin-Escalona, F. Barcelo, "Middleware-controlled resource consumption for location traffic in cellular networks ", Journal of Communication Software and Systems (JCOMSS), Vol 2, Num.4, pp. 305-312, 2007.

E. Zola, F. Barceló, About the location of Base Stations for a UMTS System: analytical study and simulations”, Journal of Communications and Networks, Vol 8, No 1, pp. 49-58, March 2006.

F. Barceló, "Performance Analysis of Handoff Resource Allocation Strategies through the State-Dependent Rejection Scheme", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,. Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 900-909, May 2004

J. Casademont, E. Lopez-Aguilera, J. Paradells, A. Rojas, A. Calveras, F. Barceló, J. Cotrina, “Wireless technology applied to GIS”, Computers & Geosciences, Elsevier, Vol 30, Issue 6, pp. 671-682, 2004.

I Martín, F. Barceló, J. Paradells, “Delivering Non-Standardized Assistance Data in GSM/GPRS Networks”, European Transactions on Communications, Vol 15, pp. 111–116,  March-April 2004.

F. Barceló. J. Paradells, F. Setaki, M. Giebeaux, "Design and modelling of Internode: a Provider Provisioned Mobile VPN", Mobile Networks & Applications, Baltzer Science Publishers, pp. 51-60, February 2003.

F. Barceló, J. Jordán, "Channel Holding Time Distribution in Public Telephony Systems", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol 49, no 5, pp. 1615-1625, Sept. 2000.

F. Barceló, J. Jordán, "Channel holding time distribution in cellular telephony", IEE Electronics Letters, Vol 34, No 2, pp. 146-147, January 1998.

F. Barceló, V. Casares, J. Paradells, "The M/D/C Queue with Priority: Application to trunked Mobile Radio Systems" IEE Electronics Letters, Vol 32, No. 18, pp. 1644-1645, August 1996.

Books / book chapters

Enrica Zola, Israel Martin-Escalona and Francisco Barcelo-Arroyo. Discrete Event Simulation of Wireless Cellular Networks, in Discrete Event Simulations, Aitor Goti (Ed.), Sciyo. 2010.

M. Ciurana, I. Martin-Escalona, F. Barcelo-Arroyo, Location in Wireless LAN in Location Based Services Handbook: Applications, Technologies, and Security, Editors  Syed Ahson and  Mohammad Ilyas, CRC Press - Taylor and Francis Group, pp.620-640, 2010. ISBN:  9781420071962.

Martin-Escalona, I., Ciurana, M., F. Barcelo-Arroyo, (2010). Location in ad hoc networks. In Radio Communications. Ed INTECH. April 2010. ISBN 978-953-307-091-9.

Y.Koucheryavy, G.Giambene, D.Staehle, F.Barcelo-Arroyo, T. Braun, V.Siris, Traffic and QoS Management in Wireless Multimedia Networks: COST 290 Final Report, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer-Verlag, New York, USA, 2009, ISBN-10: 0387855726.

F. Barceló-Arroyo, M.C. Aguayo-Torres, K. Al Begain, I. Martin-Escalona, V. Vassilou, “Chapter 4: Mobility Support” in Traffic and QoS Management in Wireless Multimedia Networks: COST 290 Final Report (Hardcover), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer-Verlag, New York, USA, 2009, ISBN-10: 0387855726.

F. Barceló, J. Jordán, Telefonía Móvil: caracterización de las conexiones, Ed. RA-MA. Enero 2002. ISBN 84-7897-502-0.

I. Martin-Escalona, F. Barcelo, “Chapter III: Location services in cellular networks”  in Handbook of Research in Mobile Business: Technical, Methodological and Social Perspectives, Bhuvan Unhelkar Editor, Idea Group Reference, Hershey, PA (USA)

            International conferences

M. Ciurana, A. Neyra, F. Barceló-Arroyo, I. Martín-Escalona, “Performance stability of software TOA-based ranging in WLAN”, International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation 2010 (IPIN-10), Zurich, Switzerland, Sept 2010.

I. Martín-Escalona, F. Barceló-Arroyo, M. Ciurana, “Passive TDOA Location in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks”, IEEE Proc. of International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications (ICUMT), Moscow (Russia) October 2010.

N. Vassileva, Y. Koucheryavi, F. Barcelo-Arroyo, “Guard Capacity Implementation in OPNET Modeler WiMAX SuiteIEEE Proc. of International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications (ICUMT), Saint Petersburg (Russia) October 2009.

S. Guardiola-Fernandez, I. Martin-Escalona, F. Barcelo-Arroyo, “On the impact of ranging-error models for simulating indoors location systems”. Proc. IEEE PIMRC, Tokyo (Japan), September 2009.

M. Ciurana, F. Barcelo-Arroyo, M. Llombart, “Improving the performance of TOA over wireless systems to track mobile targets”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications (ICC'09), Dresden, Germany, June 2009.

E. Zola, F. Barcelo-Arroyo, “Impact of Mobility Models on the Cell Residence Time in WLAN Networks”, IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, Princeton (USA), March 2009.

N. Vassileva, F. Barcelo-Arroyo, “Evaluation of CAC Methods under non-Poisson Arrival Traffic in Cellular Networks”, Eleventh IEEE International Conference on Communications Systems (ICCS 2008), pp. 919-925, Guangzhou (China), November 2008.

I. Martin-Escalona, F.Barceló-Arroyo, “Impact of geometry on the accuracy of the passive-TDOA algorithmProc. IEEE PIMRC, Cannes (France), September 2008.

M. Llombart, M. Ciurana, F.Barceló-Arroyo, “On the scalability of a novel WLAN positioning system based on time of arrival measurements”, 5th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication 2008 (WPNC'08), pp. 15-21, Hannover (Germany), March 2008.

I.Martin-Escalona, F.Barceló-Arroyo, “Performance Evaluation of Middleware for Provisioning LBS in Cellular Networks”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications (ICC'07), Glasgow (UK), June 2007.

M.Ciurana, F.Barceló, F.Izquierdo “A ranging system with IEEE 802.11 data frames”, IEEE RWS 2007, Long Beach (USA), January 2007.

I.Martin-Escalona, F.Barceló, "A field study on terrestrial and satellite location sources for urban cellular networks", IEEE Globecom 2006, San Francisco (USA), November 2006.

I. Martin-Escalona, F. Barcelo, "A middleware approach for reducing the network cost of location traffic in cellular networks", The 6th International Conference on Next Generation Teletraffic and Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking (New2An 2006) – LNCS 4003, Springer, St.Petersburg (Russia). June 2006

M.Ciurana, F.Barceló, S.Cugno, “Multipath Profile Discrimination in TOA-based WLAN Ranging with Link Layer Frames”, ACM Int. Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation and Characterization (WiNTECH 2006), pp. 73-79, Oct. 2006, Los Angeles (USA).

M.Ciurana, F.Barceló, S.Cugno “Indoor Tracking in WLAN Location with TOA Measurements”, The 4-th ACM International Workshop on Mobility Management and Wireless Access, pp. 121-125, Oct. 2006, Torremolinos (Spain)

A. Spedalieri, I. Martín-Escalona, F. Barcelo, “Simulation of Teletraffic Variables in UMTS Networks: Impact of Lognormal Distributed Call Duration”, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC05), Vol. 4,  pp. 2381 – 2386, New Orleans (USA), 2005.

L. Sánchez-Miquel, N. Vassileva, F. Barceló, P. Carbajo-Flores, “Energy and Delay-Constrained Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: an Initial Approach”, Proc. of the 2nd ACM Int. Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad-Hoc, Sensor and Ubiquitous Networks, PE-WASUN’05, pp. 262-263, Montreal

A. Spedalieri, I. Martin-Escalona, F. Barcelo, “Simulation Analysis of Teletraffic Variables in DCA Cellular Networks”, ECUMN 2004 – LNCS 3262, Springer, pp. 540-553, Porto (Portugal) Oct. 2004.

I. Martin-Escalona., F. Barcelo, "Optimization of the cost of providing location services in mobile cellular networks", IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Volumen 3, pp. 2076 - 2081, Barcelona, Septiembre 2004.

E. Zola, F. Barcelo, “Planning the Base Station Layout in UMTS Urban Scenarios: A Simulation Approach to Coverage and Capacity Estimation”, International Conference on Telecommunications  2004 – LNCS 3124, pp. 932-941. Fortaleza (Brazil) August 2004.

F. Barceló, "Comparison of Handoff Resource Allocation Strategies through the State-Dependent Rejection Scheme", in Teletraffic Engineering in the Internet Era, pp. 323-334. J. Moreira de Souza, Nelson L.S. da Fonseca, E.A. de Souza e Silva (editors), Elsevier, 2001. (ISBN 0-444-50911-9).

F. Barceló, "Statistical Properties of Silence Gap in Public Mobile Telephony Channels with Application to Data Transmission", IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications (ICC'01), Vol 7, pp.2011 -2015, Helsinki (Finland), June 2001.

F. Barceló, "A Scheme to Handle Fresh and Handoff Traffic based on State-Dependent Rejection", IEEE Globecom 2000, pp. 1522-1527, San Francisco (CA), November 2000.

F. Barceló, J. Paradells, "Performance Evaluation of Public Access Mobile Radio (PAMR) Systems with Priority Calls", IEEE Proc. of the 11th PIMRC, pp. 979-983, London (UK), September 2000.

F. Barceló, J. Jordán, "Channel Holding Time Distribution in Public Cellular Telephony", in Teletraffic Engineering in a Competitive World (Proc. of the 16th ITC). Vol 3a, pp. 107-116, P. Key and D. Smith (editors), Elsevier, June 1999

F. Barceló, A. Ramón, "PRMA Performance Evaluation Based on Queueing Theory", IEEE Int. Conf. on Personal Wireless Communications (ICPWC'97), pp. 455- 459, Bombay, December 1997.

F. Barceló, S. Bueno, "Idle and Inter-Arrival Time Statistics in Public Access Mobile Radio (PAMR) Systems", IEEE Globecom 97, pp. 126-130, Phoenix (AZ), November 1997.

J. Jordán, F. Barceló, "Statistical Modeling of Transmission Holding Time in PAMR Systems", IEEE  Globecom 97, pp. 121-125, Phoenix (AZ), November 1997.

J. Jordán, F. Barceló, "Statistical Modelling of Channel Occupancy in Trunked PAMR Systems", in Teletraffic Contributions for the Information Age (Proc. of the 15th ITC), pp. 1169-1178, V. Ramaswami and P.E. Wirth (editors). Elsevier, June 1997.

F. Barcelo, J. Martin, "Evaluation of the PRMA Protocol Limiting the Front End Clipping Probability on GSM Carriers", IEEE Int. Conf. on Universal and Personal Communications (ICUPC'96), pp. 900-904, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Oct. 1996.



Process and system for calculating distances between wireless nodes, (solicited PCTES2010000161, US12/171,162) F. Barceló, M. Ciurana, I. Martín, 2010


Sistema y procedimiento de localización basados en medidas pasivas de diferencias temporales para el posicionamiento conjunto de nodos en redes colaborativas (solicited P200901907) F. Barceló-Arroyo, I. Martín-Escalona, 2009.


Procedure and system for the passive location of wireless nodes, (solicited P200800454) F. Barceló-Arroyo, I. Martín-Escalona, 2008


Method for managing requests for localisation of mobile terminals in a mobile telecommunication network, (WO/2005/004520), F. Barceló, C. Manente, I. Martín, 2005


Method for localising a mobile terminal in a non-synchronized mobile network, (EP05106760A1), F. Barcelo, I. Martin, J. Riba, A. Urruela, F. Deperini, C. Manente, M. Gibeaux. 2005


         Other activities


           (recent) Technical Program Committee member of:

3rd International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems (ICUMT), Budapest (Hungary), 5-7 October 2011.

II Jornadas de Innovación Educativa en Ingeniería Telemática, JIE 2011, Santander (Spain), 28-30 September 2011.

5th  International Conference and Exhibition on next generation mobile applications, services and Technologies - NGMAST 2011, Cardiff, Wales (UK) 14-16, September 2011.

11th  International Conference on  Next Generation Teletraffic and Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking  - NEW2AN 2011, Saint Petersburg (Russia), 23-25 August 2011.

International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems - WINSYS 2011, Sevilla, Spain, 18 - 21 July 2011.

The Second International Workshop on Interconnections of Wireless Sensor Networks, IWSN 2011, Barcelona, 29 June 2011.

IASTED International Conferences on Wireless Communications – WC2011, June 1 – 3, 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada

1st International Workshop on Opportunistic Sensing and Processing in Mobile Wireless Sensor and Cellular networks – MobiSense 2011, Bilbao (Spain), 9-11 May 2011.

34th  IEEE Sarnoff Symposium - Technologies and Applications for Connected Consumers, Princeton (NJ-USA), 2-4 May 2011.

Baltic Congress on Future Internet Communications BCFIC, Riga (Latvia), 16-18 February 2011.

6th IEEE Broadband wireless access workshop, colocated with IEEE GLOBECOM 2010, Miami, FL (USA), 6-10 December 2010.

IEEE Globecom 2010 Workshop on Web and Pervasive Security colocated with IEEE GLOBECOM 2010, Miami, FL (USA), 6-10 December 2010.

The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Management of Emerging Networks and Services (IEEE MENS 2010)  , colocated with IEEE GLOBECOM 2010, Miami, FL (USA), 6-10 December 2010.

2nd International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems (ICUMT), Moscow (Russia), 18-20 October 2010.

10th  International Conference on  Next Generation Teletraffic and Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking  - NEW2AN 2010, Saint Petersburg (Russia), 23-25 August 2010.

4th  International Conference and Exhibition on next generation mobile applications, services and Technologies - NGMAST 2010, Amman (Jordan) 26-29 July 2010.

International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems (ICCCAS 2010) – Co-chair of the track on Wireless Communications, Kintex (China), 28-30 July 2010.

IASTED International Conferences on Wireless Communications – WC2010, Banff, Alberta, (Canada), 15-17 July 2010

First International Workshop on Interconnection of Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSN 2010) in conjunction with 6th IEEE/ACM DCOSS '10, 23 June 2010, Santa Barbara, California, USA.

IASTED International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (CSN 2010), Virtual Conference, May 17 – 21, 2010

33rd  IEEE Sarnoff Symposium (Sarnoff 2010) , Princeton, NJ, USA, 12-14 April 2010.



ISRN Communications and Networking – Hindawi – Member of the Editorial Board

Internacional Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking  - Idea Group - Member of the Editorial Review Board

Advances in Business Data Communications and Networking Book Series – Idea Group - Member of the Editorial Advisory Board)

Atti Istituto Italiano de Navigazione (Member of the International Advisory Board)




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Last updated 8/2/2011